Integrated Geophysics
- The road ahead for the seismic value chain offshore. New Orleans SEG 2015. Recent Advances and the Road Ahead session.
- Introduction to this special section: Offshore and onshore broadband seismology. Bill Goodway, Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge Nov 2013, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 1354-1355.
- Broadband seismology in oil and gas exploration and production. Johan Robertsson, Shuki Ronen, Satish Singh, Roald van Borselen. Geophysics Mar 2013, Vol 78, No 2.
- Seismic Surveillance of Offshore Reservoirs-Instrumented Oil Fields and Other Geophysical Technologies. Shuki Ronen, Paul Vincent, David Bartel and Doug Gregory. Touch Oil and Gas, May 2008.
- Introduction to this special section-Seismic Noise. Chris Krohn, Shuki Ronen, Jeff Deere and Necati Gulunay. The Leading Edge, 27, no. 2, 163-165, February 2008.
- Seismic vessel problem. Gregory Gutin, Helmut Jakubowicz, Shuki Ronen, and Alexander Zverovitch. Communications in DQM 8 (2005) 13-20.
- Combined Ocean Bottom Stations and Streamers: Shuki Ronen, Chris Ansorger, Richard Leggott, Keith Hawkins, Keith Mills, Pat Nicholls, Andrew Ratcliffe, and Larry Scott. CSEG Recorder, 28, no. 8, 25-27. 2003.
- Grion, S., Hobro, J, Barsch, J. and Ronen, S., Over/Under Acquisition - Breaking the Resolution Limits, 63rd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Session: A-12. EAGE 2001.
- Grion, S., Hobro, J, Barsch, J. and Ronen, S., Over/Under Acquisition - Breaking the Resolution Limits, 63rd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Session: A-12. EAGE 2001.
- Morice, S., Ronen, S., Welker, K. and Canter, P., The impact of navigation errors on amplitudes and phases in seismic data, 62nd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session:L0014. EAGE 2000.
- Morice, S., Ronen, S., Canter, P., Welker, K. and Clark, D., The impact of positioning differences on 4-D repeatability, 70th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1611-1614. SEG 2000.
- Kostov, Barsch, Deal, Grion, Ronen, and Walker. Good Seismic Data in Bad Weather. OTC paper 11978. 2000.
- Grion, S., Barsch, J., Kostov, C. and Ronen, S., Good data in bad weather: Can quantity make up for quality?, 70th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 13-16. SEG 2000.
- Grion, Keggin, Ronen, and Caldwell. Seismic Repeatability Benchmarks. OTC paper 12099. 2000.
- Moldoveanu, N., Ronen, S. and Michell, S., 1999, Footprint analysis of land and TZ acquisition geometries using synthetic data, 69th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 641-644. SEG
- Kostov, C., Brown, G., Bryan, R., Navarro, J. and Ronen, S., 1999, Sub-basalt exploration with long offset streamer and sea bed data, 61st Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session:6024. EAGE
- Ronen, Ferber, and Brink, 1998. Resolution, Coverage, and Geometry QC beyond traditional limits. NPF Kristiansand.
- Ronen, Ackers, Brink, Jensen, and Sheiman, 1998. Improving Repeatability by Improving Quality NPF Kristiansand.
- Introduction to this special section: 3-D seismic processing - In a perfect world... Shuki Ronen and Simon Spitz. The Leading Edge, 17, no. 11, 1547. November 1998.
- Coverage and binning issues for marine seismic surveys. Mundy Brink and Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge, 17, no. 11, 1600-1603. November 1998.
- Rennie, J., Alexandre, R. and Ronen, S., 1997, Sensitivity of repeat 3-D seismic surveys to geometry variations - A controlled experiment, 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 91-95.
- Brink, M., Gimse, I., Turner, P., Stolte, C. and Ronen, S., 1997, Resolution and coverage beyond traditional limits, 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1123-1126.
- Brink, M., Gimse, I. and Ronen, S., 1997, Resolution beyond traditional limits, 59th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session:B003.B003.
Geophysics and the Environment
- Reducing ocean noise in offshore seismic surveys using low-pressure sources and swarms of motorized unmanned surface vessels. Shuki Ronen, Stuart Denny, Rob Telling, Steve Chelminski, John Young, Don Darling, and Seibert Murphy. New Orleans SEG 2015.
- Mitigating Drilling Hazards in the Forties Field using Ocean Bottom Nodes. Klaas Koster, Dave Monk, Rafael Bouraly, Arne Rokkan, Shuki Ronen. Vienna EAGE 2011.
- PSI, Bar and decibels. Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge, 21, no 1, 60-61. January 2002.
- Introduction to this special section: Geophysics and the environment: Chris Liner and Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge, 21, no. 1, 60-61. January 2002.
Processing, Imaging, Modeling and Inversion
- Imaging with primaries and free-surface multiples by joint least squares reverse time migration. Mandy Wong, Biondo Biondi, Shuki Ronen Geophysics, Nov 2015, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. S223-S235
- Efficient Finite-difference Modelling of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media with Pseudo-sources. Musa Maharramov and Shuki Ronen. Madrid EAGE 2015.
- Robust least squares RTM on the 3D Deimos ocean bottom node dataset. Mandy Wong, Biondo Biondi, Shuki Ronen, Colin Perkins, Michael Merritt, Vanessa Goh, Richard Cook. Denver SEG 2014.
- Imaging with multiples using least-squares reverse time migration. Mandy Wong, Biondo Biondi, Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge Sep 2014, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 970-976.
- Imaging with multiples using linearized full-wave inversion: Mandy Wong, Biondo Biondi, and Shuki Ronen, Las Vegas SEG 2012.
- Joint inversion of up- and down-going signal for ocean bottom data: Wong, M., Biondi L. B. and Ronen, S., SEG Denver 2010.
- Mirror imaging of OBS data. Sergio Grion, Russel Exley, Michel Manin, Xiao-Gui Miao, Antonio Pica, Yi Wang, Pierre-Yves Granger, and Shuki Ronen. First break vol 25, pp 37-42. November 2007.
- Robust Estimation of Large Surface-Consistent Residual Statics: Jin, S., and Ronen, S. EAGE 2006. G039.
- Ronen, S., Comeaux, Mr. L. and Miao, Mrs. X., Imaging downgoing waves from ocean bottom stations, 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 963-966. SEG 2005.
- Jin, S. and Ronen, S., Ground Roll Detection and Attenuation by 3C Polarization Analysis, 67th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., B020. EAGE 2005.
- Hung, B., Notfors, C. and Ronen, S., Seismic Data Reconstruction Using the Pyramid Transform, 67th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., A039. EAGE 2005.
- Jin, S., Li, J. and Ronen, S., Robust inversion for converted wave receiver statics, 74th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 901-904. SEG 2004.
- Jin, S., Li, J. and Ronen, S., Converted Wave Statics Correction by Inversion of CRS Trace Time Shifts, 66th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., P303. EAGE 2004.
- Hung, B., Notfors, C. and Ronen, S., Seismic trace interpolation using the pyramid transform, 74th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 2017-2020. SEG 2004.
- Hung, B., Notfors, C. and Ronen, S., Robust Prediction Filtering Using the Pyramid Transform, 66th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., D030. EAGE 2004.
- Ozdemir, H., Ronen, S., Olofsson, B., Goodway, W. and Young, P., Simultaneous multicomponent AVO inversion, 71st Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 269-272. SEG 2001.
- Least-squares DMO and migration: Shuki Ronen and Chris Liner. Geophysics, 65, 1364-1371. 2000.
- Bale, R., Ferber, R., Nichols, D., Stolte, C. and Ronen, S., 1996, Several field data examples of dealiasing DMO, 66th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1168-1171.
- Wave-equation trace interpolation. Shuki Ronen. in Hale, Dave, Ed., DMO processing: Soc. Expl. Geophys., 189-200. (* Reprinted from 1987 Geophysics, 52, 973-984). 1995.
- Ronen, S., Nichols, D., Bale, R. A. and Ferber, R., 1995, Dealiasing DMO: Good-pass, bad-pass, and unconstrained, 65th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 743-746.
- Ronen, S., Ferber, R., Bale, R. and Nichols, D., 1995, Geometrical DMO calibration and spatial dealiasing, 57th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Session:C017.
- Ray-geometrical analysis of dip moveout amplitude distribution. Valery Sorin and Shuki Ronen. in Hale, D., Ed., DMO processing: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 414-416. (* Reprinted from 1989 Geophysics, 54, 1333-1335). 1995.
- Dip-moveout in shot profiles. Biondo Biondi and Shuki Ronen. in Hale, D., Ed., DMO processing: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 201-210. (* Reprinted from 1987 Geophysics, 52, 1473-1482). 1995.
- Ronen, S., 1994, Handling irregular geometry: Equalized DMO and beyond, Los Angeles SEG
- Spatial dealiasing of three dimensional seismic reflection data. Shuki Ronen, Richard Bale, and Valery Sorin. Geophysical Journal International June 1991.
- Ronen, S., 1990, Spatial dealiasing of 3-D data, San Francisco SEG
- Ray-geometrical analysis of dip moveout amplitude distribution. Valery Sorin and Shuki Ronen. Geophysics, 54, 1333-1335. 1989.
- Wave-equation trace interpolation. Shuki Ronen. Geophysics, 52, 973-984. 1987.
- Ronen, J. and Liner, C., Theory of spatial antialiasing of log-stretched multichannel reflection data, New Orleans SEG. 1987.
- Dip-moveout in shot profiles. Biondo Biondi and Shuki Ronen. Geophysics, 52, 1473-1482. 1987.
- Biondi, B. and Ronen, S., Shot profile dip moveout using log-stretch transform, Houston SEG 1986.
- Log-stretch DMO, Shuki Ronen. Ostend EAEG 1986.
- Multichannel Inversion. PhD Thesis, Stanford University. SEP report number 46. 1986.
- Surface-consistent residual statics estimation by stack-power maximization. Joshua Ronen, and Jon Claerbout. Geophysics, 50, 2759-2767. 1985.
- Ronen, J. and Claerbout, J. F., Surface-consistent residual statics estimation by stack optimization, Atlanta SEG 1984.
- Rocca, F. and Ronen, J., Improving resolution by dip moveout, Atlanta SEG 1984.
- Seismic data processing on a SIMD array parallel supercomputer. In Supercomputers in Seismic Exploration. Shuki Ronen and Rob Schreiber. Pergamon Press. Elmer Eisner editor. 1988.
Ocean Bottom Nodes
- Acquiring rotation data on the ocean bottom without rotation sensors. Ohad Barak, Kerry Key, Steven Constable, Paul Milligan, Shuki Ronen, New Orleans SEG 2015.
- Emerging Offshore Geoscience Technologies: Ocean Bottom Seismic Acquisition and Processing. Special session Geoscience Blue Ribbon Panel. Houston OTC 2014.
- Recent advances and trends in subsea technologies and seafloor properties characterization. Hugues Djikpesse, Jorge Fiori Sobreira, Andy Hill, Kelly Wrobel, Ralph Stephen, Michael Fehler, Kerry Campbell. Oliver Carriere, Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge. October, 936-942.
- Onboard processing quality control for autonomous ocean bottom nodes.. Shuki Ronen, Alex Kandilarov, Christophe Massacand, Bruce Mattocks, Jimmy Paillet, Guillaume Roger, Arne Rokkan, Claude Vuillermoz, and Changjun Zhang. 2013 SEG Annual Meeting , Houston, Texas.
- Joint imaging with streamer and OBN data: Mandy Wong, Shuki Ronen S. and Biondo Biondi, Las Vegas SEG 2012.
- Introduction to this special section: Marine and seabed technology. The Leading Edge, 31, no. 4, 386-387. 2012.
- Imaging Shallow Gas Drilling Hazards under three Forties field platforms using Ocean Bottom Nodes. Shuki Ronen, Klaas Koster, David Monk, Mike Swanson, Arne Rokkan, Rafael Bouraly, Geir Valsvik, Leif Larson, Erik Ostensvig, Jimmy Paillet, Anna Dynia, Agata Matlosz, Simon Brown, Simon Drummie, Julian Holden. The Leading Edge, 31, no. 4, 466-470. 2012.
- Least-squares Reverse Time Migration/inversion For Ocean Bottom Data: a Case Study. Mandy Wong, Shuki Ronen, Biondo Biondi. San Antonio SEG 2011.
- Comparison of a Few Ocean Bottom Node Designs and the Fidelity of the Data They Record. Shuki Ronen, Peter Maxwell, Bruce Mattocks, Tim Owen. EAGE Barcelona 2010.
- Wide area imaging from OBS multiples. Ranjan Dash, George Spence, Roy Hyndman, Sergio Grion, Yi Wang, and Shuki Ronen. Geophysics, Vol 74, no 6, Nov-Dec, 2009.
- Extreme mirror imaging—imaging high order multiples following the Hugin shakedown test. Shuki Ronen, Mandy Man Chu Wong, Marcos Gallotti, and Matthew Padon. 11th international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. SBGf 2009.
- A Method for Coupling Seismometers and Seismic Sources to the Ocean Floor. Neil Delfino, Cung Vu, Joshua Ronen. Assigned to Chevron. US Patent 20090238647. 2009.
- Seismic surveillance using redeployed ocean bottom nodes. Shuki Ronen and Matthew Padon. Zeus Technology magazine. November 2008, Volume 2, number 11, page 19-21.
- Seismic surveillance using redeployed ocean bottom nodes. Shuki Ronen and Brian Anderson. The Leading Edge, 27, no. 12, 1682-1687. 2008.
- Seismic Surveillance of Offshore Reservoirs-The Dedicated Autonomous Seafloor Nodes Crew Business Model Shuki Ronen and Gerard Beaudoin. Touch Oil and Gas, October 2008.
- Autonomous ocean bottom seismic node recording device. Peter W. Maxwell, Timothy R.E. Owen, Stuart Denny, Tor Haugland, Joshua Ronen. Assigned to CGGVeritas. US Patent 7646670. 2008.
- Trilobits roam again! Shuki Ronen, Peter Maxwell, Tor Haugland and Stuart Denny. The Leading Edge, 26, no. 6, 692-696. June 2007.
- A New Ocean Bottom Seismic Node System. Peter Maxwell, Sergio Grion, Tor Haugland, and Shuki Ronen. OTC 18992. 2007.
- Ocean Bottom Stations Data-Illumination Problems and Imaging Solutions: Ronen, S., Comeaux, L., Miao, X., and Grion S. EAGE 2006. B041.
- Mirror imaging of OBS nodes: the Storegga slide example. Shuki Ronen, Sergio Grion, and Russell Exley. Harts E&P. October 2006.
- Ronen, S., Ratcliffe, A., Nichols, P., Mills, K., Leggott, R., Hawkins, K. and Scott, L., Combined Ocean Bottom Stations and Surface Towed Seismic Streamers, 65th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., C37. EAGE 2003.
Sensors and Multi-component
- Six-component seismic land data acquired with geophones and rotation sensors: Wave-mode separation using 6C SVD. Ohad Barak, Priyank Jaiswal, Sjoerd de Ridder, John Giles, Robert Brune, Shuki Ronen. Denver SEG 2014.
- Introduction to this special section: Sensor technology and nanotechnology. The Leading Edge Nov 2014, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 1222-1222.
- Six-component seismic land data acquired with geophones and rotation sensors: Wave-mode selectivity by application of multicomponent polarization filtering. Ohad Barak, Fred Herkenhoff, Ranjan Dash, Priyank Jaiswal, John Giles, Sjoerd de Ridder, Robert Brune, Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge Nov 2014, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 1224-1232
- Seven component seismic data. Ohad Barak, Robert Brune, Fred Herkenhoff, Ranjan Dash, Jamie Rector, Shuki Ronen. Houston SEG 2013.
- Shear magic. Steve Roche, Bruce Mattocks, John Gibson, and Shuki Ronen. Harts E&P. September 2006.
- Evaluation of 3C Sensor Coupling Using Ambient Noise Measurements. Watt, H., Gibson, J.B., Mattocks, B., Cartwright, M., Burnett, R., and Ronen, S. EAGE 2006. F027.
- Bale, Li, Mattocks, Ronen. Least-squares measurement of shear-wave splitting: CSEG 2006, 406-406.
- Watt, H. J., Gibson, J. B., Burnett, R. and Ronen, S., Evaluation of 3C sensor coupling using ambient noise measurements, 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 916-919. SEG 2005.
- Ronen, S., Gibson, J., Burnett, R., Roy, J., Montgomery, B., Kendall, R., Comeux, L. and Watt, H., 2005, Comparison of Multi-Component Data from Different MEMS Sensors, 67th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., B021. EAGE 2005.
- Ronen, S., Comeaux, L., Cartwright, M., Gibson, J. B., Burnett, R., Roy, J. and Watt, H. J., Comparison between geophones and two MEMS types and repeatability of land data, 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 908-911. SEG 2005.
- MEMS sensors: Some issues for consideration: John Gibson, Roy Burnett, Shuki Ronen, and Howard Watt, 2005, The Leading Edge, 24, no. 8, 786-790.
- Li, J. and Ronen, S., Estimating and Correcting of Tilted Multi-Component Receivers, 67th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., P076. EAGE 2005.
- Kendall, R., Jin, S., Ronen, S. and De Meersman, K., An SVD-polarization filter for ground roll attenuation on multicomponent data, 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 928-931. SEG 2005.
- Bale, R. A., Li, J., Mattocks, B. and Ronen, S., Robust estimation of fracture directions from 3-D converted waves, 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 889-892. SEG 2005.
- Li, J., Jin, S. and Ronen, S., Data-driven tilt-angle estimation of multicomponent receivers, 74th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 921-924. SEG 2004.
- Ronen, S., Jarvis, M. and Probert, A., Azimuthal Anisotropy - More Than Just Theory, 63rd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Session: N-06. EAGE 2001.
- Probert, T., Bryan, R., Ronen, S., Engelamrk, F., Akenteiva, E., Browning, G., Rowson, C., Bakhshiev, F., Kawai, N. and Nazarov, A., Mud volcanoes and shear-wave imaging - an example 4C test line in the Caspian Sea, 71st Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 787-790. SEG 2001.
- Ronen, Probert, and Bagaini. Acquisition of multi-component seismic data on the sea bed. SEG summer research workshop in Boise, ID. 2000.
- Ronen, Goodway, Young, Ozdemir, and Englemark. Simultaneous multi-component AVO inversion. SEG summer research workshop in Boise, ID. 2000.
- Probert, Ronen, and Bryan. A case study of azimuthal anisotropy analysis from a north sea 3D 4C project. SEG summer research workshop in Boise, ID. 2000.
- Probert, Robinson, Ronen, Hoare, Pope, Kommedal, Crook, and Law. Imaging Through Gas using 4-component, 3D Seismic Data: A Case Study from the Lomond Field. OTC paper 11982. 2000.
- Bagaini, C., Bale, R., Caprioli, P., Muyzert, E. and Ronen, S., Assessment and calibration of horizontal geophone fidelity in seabed-4C using shear waves, 62nd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session:L0002. EAGE 2000.
- Bagaini, C., Bale, R., Brunelliere, J., Caprioli, P. and Ronen, S., High fidelity seabed data processing, 70th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1209-1212. SEG 2000.
- Ronen, S., Keggin, J. and van Waard, R., Repeatability of seabed multicomponent data, 69th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1695-1698. SEG 1999.
- Ronen, S., Bagaini, C., Bale, R., Caprioli, P. and Keggin, J., Coverage and illumination of sea bed 4C surveys, 61st Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session:6018. EAGE 1999.
- Bagaini, C., Ronen, S., Bale, R. and Caprioli, P., 1999, Converted-wave binning analysis: In search of gamma, 69th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 703-706. SEG
Wide Azimuth
- Wide- and multi-azimuth acquisition: Issues and answers. Shuki Ronen and Phil Fontana. World Oil, July 2006, vol. 227 No 7.
- Wide-Azimuth acquisition: True 3D at last! Guillaume Cambois, Shuki Ronen, Xianhuai Zhu. The Leading Edge, 21, no 8, 763-763. August 2002.
Seismic Sources
- The Low Pressure Source. Steve Chelminski, Jan Chelminski, Stuart Denny, and Shuki Ronen. Harts E&P, March 2016.
- Noss, T., Ronen, S., Jenkerson, M., Allen, P., Houck, R. and Johnson, G., 1999, Marine vibrator motion correction in the frequency-space domain, 69th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1142-1145. SEG
- Johnson, G., Ronen, S. and Noss, T., 1997, Seismic data acquisition in deep water using a marine vibrator source, 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 63-66.
- Graveley, C., Osawa, O., Schultz, P. S. and Ronen, S., 1990, Recovering wavelet fidelity in marine Vibroseis data, San Francisco SEG
- System and method of predicting reservoir properties. Josiah Joskins and Joshua Ronen. Patent 5444619. Filing date: Sep 27, 1993. Issue date: Aug 22, 1995. Assigned to Schlumberger.
- Seismic-guided estimation of log properties, part 3: A controlled study. Phil Schultz, Shuki Ronen, Masami Hattori, Pascal Mantran and Chip Corbett. The Leading Edge, 13, no. 07, 770-776. July 1994.
- Seismic-guided estimation of log properties, part 2: Using artificial neural networks for nonlinear attribute calibration. Shuki Ronen, Josiah Hoskins, Phil Schultz, Masami Hattori, and Chip Corbett. The Leading Edge, 13, no. 06, 674-678. (* Erratum for author names in TLE-13-8-822) June 1994.
- Seismic-guided estimation of log properties, part 1: A data-driven interpretation methodology. Phil Schultz, Shuki Ronen, Masami Hattori, and Chip Corbett. The Leading Edge, 13, no. 05, 305. May 1994.
- Ronen, S., Hattori, M., Hoskins, J. C. and Schultz, P., 1993, Seismic guided estimation of reservoir properties, Washington DC SEG
- Ronen, S., Hattori, M., Geoltrain, S. and Schultz, P., 1992, Lateral prediction of reservoir properties using seismic attributes with well log data, Paris EAGE
- Ronen, S., Economides, C. and Varvik, G., 1992, Synergetic interpretation of well test and seismic data for reservoir characterization, Paris EAGE
- Reservoir Characterization Using Expert Knowledge, Data and Statistics. Covri, Heffer, King, Tyson, Verly, Economides, LeNir, Ronen, Schultz, Corbett, Lewis, Pickup, Ringrose, Guérillot, Montadert, Ravenne, Halderson, and Hewett. Oilfield Review. 1992.
- Introduction to this special section: Marine and seabed technology. Land acquisition , vibroseis. Chris Liner and Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge, 30, no. 10, 1148. 2011.
- Modern land recording systems: How do they weigh up? Malcolm Lansley, Mike Laurin and Shuki Ronen. The Leading Edge, 27, no. 7, 888-894. 2008.